Aerial ropes and silks will teach you to climb, twist and tumble through the air ,

supported only by a strip of fabric and your own determination. Our experienced instructors will guide you through a range of wraps, climbs and drops designed to increase your stamina and confidence. Once you’ve mastered the basics, you’ll be able to exert your creativity and explore limitless tricks and stunts that silks and ropes allow, all whilst building your core strength.

Ropes & Silks | Level: Experienced | Thursdays 6.15 - 8pm
Ropes & Silks | Level: Improvers | Thursdays 6.15 - 8pm

Booking is essential. Please book directly through Reception,
02920 221 330 or [email protected].

Those currently on the waiting list will have priority.

Sorry, no drop-ins are being allowed at the moment.


Bydd y dosbarth rhaffau a sidanau awyr yn dysgu i chi ddringo, troelli a thwmblo trwy'r awyr, gyda dim ond stribyn o ddefnydd a grym ewyllys i'ch dal. Bydd ein hyfforddwyr profiadol yn eich arwain trwy nifer o symudiadau lapio, dringo a disgyn er mwyn rhoi hwb i’ch stamina a’ch hyder. Ar ôl i chi feistroli’r camau sylfaenol, byddwch yn gallu ymarfer eich creadigrwydd a rhoi cynnig ar lu o driciau a styntiau ar y rhaffau a’r sidanau, gan feithrin eich cryfder craidd wrth wneud hynny.

Rhaffau a Sidanau | Lefel: Profiadol | Iau 6.15 - 8pm
Rhaffau a Sidanau | Lefel: Rhai sy'n Gwella | Iau 6.15 - 8pm
Rhaid bwcio. Trefnwch yn uniongyrchol trwy’r Dderbynfa,
02920 221 330 neu [email protected].
Bydd y rhai sydd eisoes ar y rhestr aros yn cael blaenoriaeth.
Sori, does dim posib galw heibio ar hap ar hyn o bryd.

Dates and times

This event finished on 28 March 2024.

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