These classes are designed for children and young people aged 5-18 on the autistic spectrum.

They give children the chance to learn exciting new circus skills in a relaxed and supported environment.

The classes offer a wide variety of circus disciplines including juggling, balance, aerial and acrobatics whilst being responsive to the needs of each individual child.

The sessions will offer a 1:3 teacher to student ratio. With parents, guardians or support workers welcome to join in if the young person attending would like additional support.

Each student will also be provided with a familiarisation pack introducing them to the space and their teachers before their first visit, so they know what to expect.


Booking is essential. Please book directly through Reception ,

02920 221 330 or [email protected].

There are currently no spaces on the Diverse Circus classes but to add yourself to the waiting list or request more information please contact our Reception team.

Sorry, no drop-ins possible.


Mae’r dosbarthiadau hyn wedi’u cynllunio ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc 5-18 oed sydd ar y sbectrwm awtistig.

Maent yn rhoi cyfle iddynt ddysgu sgiliau syrcas newydd cyffrous mewn awyrgylch anffurfiol, gyda chefnogaeth.
Mae’r dosbarthiadau’n cynnig sgiliau syrcas amrywiol iawn fel jyglo, cydbwyso, sgiliau awyr ac acrobateg, gan ymateb i anghenion pob plentyn unigol.
Bydd un athro i bob tri disgybl yn y sesiynau hyn ac mae croeso i rieni, gwarcheidwaid neu weithwyr cymorth ymuno os hoffai’r person ifanc gael rhagor o gefnogaeth.
Bydd y disgyblion yn cael pecyn cynefino i gyflwyno'r lle a'r athrawon iddynt cyn yr ymweliad cyntaf, er mwyn iddynt wybod beth i’w ddisgwyl.
Rhaid bwcio. Trefnwch yn uniongyrchol trwy’r Dderbynfa,
02920 221 330 neu [email protected].
Does dim llefydd gwag yn y dosbarthiadau Syrcas Amrywiol ar hyn o bryd ond, os hoffech ymuno â’r rhestr aros neu ofyn am ragor o fanylion, cysylltwch â thîm y Dderbynfa.
Sori, does dim posib galw heibio ar hap.

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